CH EN 5960/6960 Battery Technology and Manufacturing (Fall semester)

Class Description: This class will introduce the basics of battery technology and its manufacturing. Topics to be covered include cathode, anode and electrolyte for Li-ion battery, Li metal battery, Li/S and Li/air battery, flow battery, Na-ion battery, battery manufacturing, critical battery mineral extraction, battery recycling etc. This course will prepare students who have the intention to pursue a career in the battery manufacturing, electric vehicle, and renewable energy industry.

CH EN 3603 Mass Transfer and Separation (Spring semester)

Class Description: This class will introduce the principles of mass transfer including binary diffusion, convection, and steady state and transient material conservation, and the application of these principles along with material balances, phase equilibrium, and heat transfer to design industrial separation cascades and trains including multicomponent flash, binary and multicomponent distillation, absorption, stripping, extraction, and membrane unit operations.

CH EN 5960/6960 Electrochemical Systems for Energy Storage (Fall 2021,2022)

Class description: In this course, we will introduce the basics of electrochemical systems, including thermodynamics, mass transport, kinetics and interface. After that, we will cover the principle of electrochemical energy storage technology, including Li-ion batteries, redox flow batteries, etc. Then we will introduce the frontier of these technologies, including the electrode materials, electrolytes, membranes, etc. This is a cross-listed course, in which undergraduate and graduate students can register at the same time. The course contents will be the same, albeit the requirement for undergraduate students will be different from that of graduate students.